SBR – domestic wastewater treatment
Sequence biological reactors (SBRs) are efficient, simple, and easy to maintain in domestic wastewater treatment plants. Compared to traditional flow-through activated sludge systems, SBR reactors are characterized by a simple design, a high degree of wastewater treatment, and the ability to clean extremely volatile pollutants. In addition, the removal of organic matter and phosphorus, nitrification, and denitrification take place in the same reactor, secondary clarifiers or sludge stabilization tanks are not required, which significantly reduces the costs of construction and maintenance of the facilities. In addition, it is possible to order a separate set of SBR reactor components, which are installed in the customer’s tanks (eg old treatment plants, septic tanks). Reactors do not use traditional electric pumps or other “decaying” devices, so the probability of clogging or failure is greatly reduced. The cleaning devices work in standby mode, i.e. cleaning takes place only when the reactor is full, and not continuously as in the case of other treatment plants.
- High pollutant removal efficiency according to BOD7 (< 12 mg/L), COD (< 50 mg/L), nitrogen (< 20 mg/L), phosphorus (< 2 mg/L), suspended solids (< 30 mg/L);
- Automated cleaning process;
- The cost of construction and operation of treatment plants is lower than that of competitors;
- Ideal for the modernization of existing sewage treatment plants;
- Suitable for cleaning sewage with unstable pollution and flow;
- Up to 30% less excess sludge;
- There are no moving/eroding devices inside the reactors;
- Certified by DIN EN 12566-3 and DWA;
- It can be easily applied to the cleaning of domestic and industrial wastewater.